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Restore Encrypted Data

Data backed up using the Safespring Backup service is encrypted at rest by default, this all happens in the background, and no action from your part is needed. If files have been client-side encrypted using the options ENCRYPTKEY prompt or ENCRYPTKEY save, along with INCLUDE.ENCRYPT, then you will need to supply the encryption key password to the client on a new machine when performing a data restore.

Retrieving the encryption key password

If you have forgotten the password, and you are using ENCRYPTKEY save, you could extract the password from the production system by following these steps. That text is applicable to encryption key passwords as well as backup node passwords, because they are saved in the same location and can be retrieved in the same way.

Note that if you have backed up encrypted data, you will have two or more passwords in the backup-archive client password keystore. It is not clear which one is for encryption, so you will have to use trial-and-error to figure that out.


If you are using ENCRYPTKEY prompt and have forgotten the password, there will be no way to retrieve the data without brute-forcing. Assuming the password has good entropy (which it is supposed to have), it should not be brute-forcible in any short amount of time. In such a case, we can assume that the backup data is lost. Safespring cannot recover client-side encrypted data for you without the password.

Restoring encrypted data

Restoration is done just like normal. The only exception is that you will be asked to input the encryption key password (or skip restoring encrypted files):

root@restore-test:~# dsmc restore -preservepath=complete -subdir=yes -replace=yes '{/var/secret/}/*' /root/output/
IBM Storage Protect
Command Line Backup-Archive Client Interface
  Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 25.0 
  Client date/time: 2024-12-17 16:52:58
(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1990, 2024. All Rights Reserved. 

Session established with server DCO1-BACKUP-SERVER-2: Linux/x86_64
  Server Version 8, Release 1, Level 21.000
  Server date/time: 2024-12-17 17:52:58  Last access: 2024-12-17 17:52:50

Accessing as node: PRODUCTION_NODE
Restore function invoked.

ANS1247I Waiting for files from the server...

--- User Action is Required ---
File: /root/output/ requires an encryption key.

Select an appropriate action
  1. Prompt for encrypt key password
  2. Skip this object from decryption
  3. Skip all objects that are encrypted
  A. Abort this operation
Action [1,2,3,A] : 

Select action number 1 and input the encryption key password to restore the encrypted file(s).